NEW - Now SEARCH the internet for graphics, right from Makaha.
NEW - Create INSTANT thumbed web pages from any graphic format. For your web site or hard drive. New slide show allows all graphic types, and videos & music.
See NEW below!
Makaha v5.0 - 32-bit for Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT - Makaha graphic viewer is designed to allow you to not only view the most popular graphic formats, but to resize, print, convert, process, and manipulate the graphic. Makaha is a MDI program.. in other words, you can OPEN as many graphics at one time as you have memory for. Watch Movies, Animations, listen to sounds and view graphics ALL at once! Some formats Include: Kodak PhotoCD & Flashpix, JPG, GIF, BMP TGA, PNG, TIF, PCX, CIT, MSD, EPS, MAC, PCT, WMF, WPG, VDA, PSD, ICO, IMG, DIB, CMP, CAL, FAX, FSX, MSP, GEM, VST, RLE, RAS, DCX, WFX, ICB, Plus.. MPG, MOV, AVI, WAV, MID, UUE, HLP, ZIP Features Include: ****************************************************************
* Change Windows screen resolution on the FLY! * Create and view GIF animations. Great for web pages! * Associate Files * Online Help! * Twain Scanning - Digital Cameras - Frame Grabbers * Create thumbnails for all your graphics * NEW Visual Editor! * Convert from/to most graphic formats * Resize graphics * Color Conversion * Image Processing * Effects * Filters * 28 Wipes * Magnify * Clipboard * Zoom * Drag Zoom * Flip * Multi-Graphic Underlays * File Compression up to 200 times smaller then original size * Drag & Drop * Clipping * Background Colors * QuickShots & Thumbnails * Wallpaper * Movies-Adjustable size screen * Animations-Adjust speed, frame by frame play * Stereo Sound playing. 1 or all * CD Player (musical) * Top, Desktop, Window, Captures * The Play Bin (saved play selection) * Over 45 formats supported! * Progressive JPEG - You set amount of passes * Supports GIF & TIF format with comments * Icons (just click on Icon to convert to a BMP) * Whole NEW File Selector (much smarter!) * AutoSave feature (just click and save) NOW supports 6 formats * Supports graphic Batch Conversion * Tool tips * Load graphics into paint programs * Add WAVE, MIDI, AVI, MPEG, or MOV movies & sound to your Slide Show * Instantly converts any format to Wallpaper * Search complete drive for graphics, and run from one list * Instantly see your Slide Show, Play Bin files! * Internet connection! Go right to your favorite Internet Site * Hot Keys! * UUencoding/UUdecoding * Read ZIP files (read text, help, and view graphics without * unzipping file). Extract file or all files * Read Text, Doc, Ini, Help files.. * Printer Setup * Memory Watcher * Select [AutoSave] & [Work] directories * Move graphic command, delete to trash bin, properties, + * Slide Show now has over 100 options * Single step control of Slide Show * Uninstall Included.
NEW ...
AVI creator, Instant Slide Shows with pics, videos and MP3 music.
Watermarking graphics, Multi-Monitors, batch resize, Quick Shots now supports GIF animations, ZIP support now built-in, view XP icons, Magnifier, batch printing... many other new features!